Thursday, March 14, 2013



Definition: The doctrine that only one supreme being exists

Sample Sentences:
  1. Substance monism need not have any implications concerning god or an absolute in either a theistic or pantheistic sense.
  2. Using this argument it is possible to take a materialist stance whilst rejecting the implication of materialist monism that our minds are purely reactive.
  3. A methodological monism of empirical science assumes that everything is essentially matter.
Philosophical Review
European Graduate School

     Monism is a term that refers to the existence of only one surpreme being. Monism reminds me of the term monotheism, which is also the belief in one surpreme being, or God. I agree with this term also. The reason why I believe there is only one surpreme being is not only because of my religion, but because I feel God is too special to have more than one. It's kind of the same principle of the pope. There is only one pope, but they change which is different than God.


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