Thursday, March 14, 2013

Orphic Sages

Orphic Sages

Definition: mystical greek religious and philosophical cult derived from the myth of Orpheus.

Sample Sentences:
  1. Ork was an orphic sage in Grendel.
  2. Orphic sages are to Orphism as prophets are to Christianity.
The Orphic Sage

     Orphic Sages are terms that come from a mystical greek religious cult derived from the myth of Orpheus. Orpheus was a legendary musician in ancient Greek religion. An example of an orphic sage would be Ork in the book Grendel. They are considered to be "prophet-like" in the way that they explain different things.




Definition: The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices

Sample Sentences:
  1. The bible does say that the anti Christ will be considered a peaceful man who will bring peace to the middle east.
  2. Even that doesn't really express it, because in one sense I've actually become the Christ.
  3. Christ is derived from the term, christianity.
New York Times
One Place

     The term Christianity is a religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus. It can also be referred to the beliefs or practices of Jesus. Christian comes from the word Christianity, and means to be "Christ like." Christianity is focused on Jesus, while other religions may believe in Jesus, but they do not place the same value that Christians do.




Definition: any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or Islamism.

Sample Sentences:
  1. His mission was to convert the pagan irish people to christianity.
  2. He was martyred by pagans whose savage customs he had denounced.
  3. Within a century pagans would be persecuted because they would not conform to the state religion that ensured the safety of the empire.
Catholic Education
Daily Mail

     Paganism is any of various religions, other than Christianity, Judaism or Islam. Paganism comes from the latin word pagan, which means rural or rustic. Many of the three religions listed will try to convert pagans to the religion they belong too. Paganism can refer to the reconstruction of historical pre-christianity philosophies and religion.




Definition: The doctrine that only one supreme being exists

Sample Sentences:
  1. Substance monism need not have any implications concerning god or an absolute in either a theistic or pantheistic sense.
  2. Using this argument it is possible to take a materialist stance whilst rejecting the implication of materialist monism that our minds are purely reactive.
  3. A methodological monism of empirical science assumes that everything is essentially matter.
Philosophical Review
European Graduate School

     Monism is a term that refers to the existence of only one surpreme being. Monism reminds me of the term monotheism, which is also the belief in one surpreme being, or God. I agree with this term also. The reason why I believe there is only one surpreme being is not only because of my religion, but because I feel God is too special to have more than one. It's kind of the same principle of the pope. There is only one pope, but they change which is different than God.


Plato's Allegory of the Cave

Plato's Allegory of the Cave

Definition: The Allegory of the Cave, also commonly known as Myth of the Cave, Metaphor of the Cave, The Cave Analogy.

Sample Sentences:
  1. “How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?” - Quote
  2. "Better to be the poor servant of a poor master, and to endure anything, rather than think as they do and live after their manner." - Quote
Defining You
Deep Spirits

     Plato's allegory of the cave was a very interesting piece of literature that I have read. There are so many different meanings that you can get from the writing that it makes it so interesting. The main idea of the allegory was the gain of knowledge. The prisoners where only had knowledge on the shadows. When the prisoner was released and allowed to go outside in the "light" (knowledge), he quickly came back. When he returned, the remaining prisoners killed him. I believe this shows that we are not interested in learning, rather we are satisfied with what we already know.




Definition: The theory or belief that God does not exist

Sample Sentences:
  1. The secret directive issued after the meeting also called on the department of propaganda to carry out a campaign to promote atheism.
  2. Indeed, it seems like the supreme irony that militant atheism has managed to acquire the mentality of a religion.
  3. Both he and suleymân appeared to think that atheism was a subject to make angels laugh.
New York Times
American Thinker

     Atheism is the theory or belief that God does not exist. I have a strong opinion based on this concept, and believe FULLY that there is a God based on the fact that I have seen him work in my life. People may say they could never believe in what they cannot see, which I agree is sometimes difficult. The feeling is like the air, people believe in air the same way I believe in God. You can't see or touch the air, but you sure do feel it, and I personally would not be able to survive without the belief in God. Going through a death is one of the hardest things someone could possibly go through, but God makes it so much easier and comforting. This is one of my favorite quotes, and I believe it fits perfectly within this topic, “I would rather live my life as if there is a god and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is," by Albert Camus.




Definition: humanistic: of or pertaining to Renaissance humanism; "the humanistic revival of learning".

Sample Sentences:
  1. Humanism as a replacement religion, and as such represented an important strand in post-war humanist thought.
  2. Indeed, the history of secular humanism is enough to make many find faith in god.
  3. And post modern secular humanism denies ultimate truth itself.
New York Times
New Humanist

     Humanism is the humanistic revival of learning. Humanism is pertaining to a group of philosophies of human beings. This term refers to the perspective of human nature. Some people confuse the term by saying that it refers to intellectual movements, when its based solely on human perspective.




Definition: The doctrine or belief that there is only one God.

Sample Sentences:
  1. All the prophets preached monotheism, the belief in the oneness of allah, the glorious, the elevated.
  2. Without the assumptions of biblical monotheism much that has been achieved under the influence of those assumptions may not be able to stand.
  3. However, destroying shrines belies your efforts to present a better version of your islamic monotheism.
Sun Sentinel

     The term monotheism refers to the belief of only one God. Christians believe that there is only one God. I believe there is only one God. One of the reasons why I believe we capitalize the term God when we refer to monotheism is because we are referring the only one, while god refers to the ones people try to make real, or things such as Zeus.




Definition: Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist and writer based in Florence during the Renaissance.

Sample Sentences:
  1. No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution. - Quote
  2. Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. - Quote
History Today
American Thinker

     Machiavelli was born in Italy. He is known for being a historian, politician and a diplomat. A diplomat is an official representation of a country abroad. The affairs we go through today in politics are much easier to understand if you have a good understanding of Machiavelli's concept. With the understanding that Machiavelli, people considered a genious.  




Definition: incredulity: doubt about the truth of something

Sample Sentences:
  1. British officials also have expressed skepticism about the Iraqi invitation.
  2. Skepticism about the possibility of both group intentions and genuinely collective actions.\
  3. Today people have a healthy skepticism toward those claiming to speak for god.
Climate Skeptic

     Skepticism is the doubt about the truth of something. Whenever I hear the word skepticism, I think if religion. Religion is a very skeptical topic because there are so many different forms of religion. Some people will view catholisism one way but will view hinduism a totally different way. A reason why I believe more people are more skeptical toward religion today than in the past is because of how "smart" people think they are, and they will not believe in anything they cannot physically see.




Definition: Alfred North Whitehead, OM FRS was an English mathematician and philosopher.

Sample Sentences:
  1. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them. - Quote
  2. No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude. - Quote

     Alfred Whitehead was an English mathematician and philosopher. Whitehead had many famous works. One of his famous works for math was his works on algebra, logic and the foundation of mathematics. He was a procter to Bertrand Russell, so many people consider him to have a major influence on logic. He is also considered to have an influence on analytic philosophy.




Definition: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher, poet, composer, cultural critic, and classical philologist.

Sample Sentences:
  1. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. - Quote
  2. It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. - Quote
Graduate School
American Thinker

     Friedrich Nietzsche was born in Germany. He is known for being a great philosopher, poet, composer, cultural critic and classical philologist. A philologist is a person who studies philosophy's. One of his most famous quotes is "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." He is also known for his writings about mortality.




Definition: A tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values.

Sample Sentences:
  1. Thus dialectical materialism is seen to offer the only approach to reality which can give action a direction.
  2. Her first book was on sade and materialism ( 2002 ); she is now working on materialism in the nineteenth century.
  3. Consequently, the question of whether a theory change should be ontologically conservative or radical has no clear answer, contrary to eliminative materialism.

     When I hear the word "materialism", I automatically think of how my dad refers to me. He says that I like a brand rather than the quality. Materialism is something that many people seem to have, and can be seen in both a positive and negative way, although mostly a negative way. In the buzzle article, they refer to materialism as a complex subject of society. The reason why they consider it a complex subject of society is because everybody wants to pursue nice things, wealth and the tangible things.




Definition: A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts.

Sample Sentences:
  1. The movement of modern existentialism in visual art starts with cézanne in france.
  2. And be assured, in the final days of simon bacon the geezers knock existentialism 's block off.
  3. Sartre has the point of view that is called atheistic existentialism, which puts the emphasis on the individual instead of society.
New York Times
Encyclopedia of Philosophy

     Existentialism is a term that refers to a certain type of philosophy. This philosophy emphasizes uniqueness and isolation of the individual. In the encyclopedia article, they define the term existentialism as a term that belongs to intellectual history. The term is always used in a way that describes a historical convenience.




Definition: The view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.

Sample Sentences:
  1. Avoiding solipsism requires that we assign consciousness ( or reality ) to everyone we could meet who is sufficiently similar to ourselves.
  2. And one of its weaknesses is its own solipsism, its own narcissism.
New York Times

     Solipsism is the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. From the article above titled "solipsism", I believe that this term is used to define a certain person's future. By that, I mean that each inducidual person has the ability to decide his or her future. The article also referred to solipsism as a "God" to the induvidual. Each person has a way to create the future that they would like to fulfill.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013



Definition: Scottish philosopher. He rejected the possibility of certainty in knowledge. 

Sample Sentences:
  1. Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue. - Quote
  2. He is happy whom circumstances suit his temper; but he Is more excellent who suits his temper to any circumstance. - Quote

     David Hume was a Scottish philosopher. He is one of the few who rejected the possibility of certainty in knowledge. He is also well known for being a great economist. He strove to create the naturalistic science of man. He wanted to examine the psychological basis of human nature. 



Definition: Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre was a French existentialist philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic.

Sample Sentences:
  1. Everything has been figured out, except how to live. - Quote
  2. When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die. - Quote

     Sartre was born in France. He was a existentialist philosopher, playwright, novelist and a screenwriter. He is best known for his influence in existentialist, which is what defines him. He is also a very well known and influential author in the 20th century French-philosophy. He is also well known for his influential ideas with feminist of his time. 



Definition: US psychologist. He explained human motivation with a hierarchy of needs.

Sample Sentences:
  1. In 1943 Abraham Maslow, one of the founding fathers of humanist approaches to management, wrote an influential paper that set out five fundamental human needs needs and their hierarchical nature.
  2. A key aspect of the model is the hierarchical nature of the needs.

     Maslow was a psychologist. He is known for his explanations of the hierarchy of needs. He is known for creating the pyramid known as Maslow's hierarchy of needs. He is also one of the founding fathers of the humanist approaches that are well known today. 



Definition:   German writer, artist and politician.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Goethe's body of work includes epic and lyric poetry written in a variety of metres and styles.
  2. Goethe's had many different styles throughout his works. 

    Goethe was a famous writer and author who had many different works. He is also a German artist. He has many types of work, from literature to paintings. Another interesting thing about Goethe was that he conducted plays. 



Definition: Irish-born writer whose novels include Murphy (1938) and Malone Dies (1951). Beckett is known to a wider audience for his absurdist plays, such as Waiting for Godot (1952) and Krapp's Last Tape (1959). He won the 1969 Nobel Prize for literature.

Sample Sentences:
  1. Beckett is widely regarded as among the most influential writers of the 20th century.
  2. Beckett was awarded the 1969 Nobel Prize in literature.

     Samuel Beckett was an Irish-born native. He was a writer who wrote many great novels. Some of the novels include Murphy and Malone Dies. He is also the author for absurdist plays. Some of the plays include Waiting for Godot and Krapp's Last Tape. He is also the winner of a Nobel Prize. 

Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal

Definition: Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Christian philosopher. He was a child prodigy who was educated by his father, a tax collector in Rouen.

Sample Sentences: 

  1. This is Blaise Pascal, the mathematician who propounded the unforgettable wager about whether God existed.
  2. I find a lot to agree with or relate to in Blaise Pascal's outlook on life.
  3. In 1648 French scientist Blaise Pascal conducted an experiment to provide proof the air pressure on a mountain is lower than the air.

     Blaise Pascal was a mathematician, physicist, inventor, and writer. He was a famous christian philospher that made many discoveries throughout his life. He was a child prodigy who has been well known all throughout his life. He was educated by his father, who was a tax collector in Rouen. 

Whitehead's Metaphysics

Whitehead's Metaphysics

Definition: Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world, although the term is not easily defined.

Sample Sentences:
  1. It can be said that Whitehead's Metaphysics is one of the themes in Grendel.
  2. Whitehead's metaphysics categorizes life into phases.
Metaphysics Research Lab

     Alfred Whitehead is the creator a philosophy called metaphysics. The reason why he created this was because he wanted to answer general questions. Some of the questions were what were the first causes of things, why are we here, and how did things start? He emphasized on categorizing life into phases, and studying free will. This was the idea that made him study fate to determine whether or not certain aspects exist.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013



Definition: something that serves as a pattern or model

Sample Sentences:
  1. The views of the scholars at the leipzig conference simply do not conform to the dominant paradigm.
  2. In order to more fully appreciate your life, you need to change your paradigm, to start looking at everything around you in a different light.
  3. It gives us a paradigm to explain the mental state of a group of individuals.


  The article on the O'Reilly Media source says in the speech that he has said a speech multiple times, but he edits and remakes the speech using the original. I think the term paradigm refers to a reference or way that something should be looked at. When you make a plan for school, you might look at an example plan to make sure that you have all the included steps needed. When you look at the example, you are using that example as a paradigm.
Web Templates above



Definition: servile; fawning; subservient

Sample Sentences:

  1. Obsequious service is expected, one generally leaves a tip.
  2. The obsequious salesman begged me to buy the car he was selling.
  3. I'll only answer if you are more obsequious in your question.

     One of the above articles is talking about the gun debate. They say different people will have different opinions about things, such as the gun debate. They also want to persuade the readers to think a certain way, meaning that they are being servile. When they talk about their own opinion, they are trying to persuade you to think a certain way.



Definition: belief that existence or values are meaningless

Sample Sentences:
  1. From the point of view of nihilism, any behavior is acceptable since no rules of ethics exist.
  2. Whilst looking for something to believe in, I discovered nihilism and the fact that I wasn't good enough for it.
  3. There is great cruelty and no lack of nihilism in Death Sentence.

     Nihilism is the belief that values are meaningless and useless. I have heard of nihilism mostly in military use. When you hear of soldiers from all around the world going into villages and killing and raping women and children, thats when the term nihilism should be used. Many people who have nihilistic views will not believe in God, or anything else that other people would. I do not agree with nihilistic views in any way, shape of fashion. I believe that if everyone had nihilistic views, nothing would ever progress or improve, just live life with no cares about yourself or anybody else.