Tuesday, February 12, 2013



Definition: something that serves as a pattern or model

Sample Sentences:
  1. The views of the scholars at the leipzig conference simply do not conform to the dominant paradigm.
  2. In order to more fully appreciate your life, you need to change your paradigm, to start looking at everything around you in a different light.
  3. It gives us a paradigm to explain the mental state of a group of individuals.


  The article on the O'Reilly Media source says in the speech that he has said a speech multiple times, but he edits and remakes the speech using the original. I think the term paradigm refers to a reference or way that something should be looked at. When you make a plan for school, you might look at an example plan to make sure that you have all the included steps needed. When you look at the example, you are using that example as a paradigm.
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