Monday, February 11, 2013



Definition: unquestionable

Sample Sentences:
  1. Accidents there is now incontrovertible evidence that men in fast cars, particularly young men, cause a disproportionate number of road traffic accidents.
  2. Support school travel plans evidence for the need of 20mph limits ( or lower ) in residential areas seems incontrovertible.
  3. The health risks posed by homelessness are also incontrovertible.

American Thinkers
New York Times


     The word incontrovertible means unquestionable, which means without a doubt. The sentences I used are talking about how somethings cannot be ignored, or denied. When someone is talking about how better prenatal care would create less birth defects, the facts are unquestionable. If we had better prenatal care for more individuals, there would be less children born with birth defects, which is an unquestionable statement.

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