Monday, February 11, 2013



Definition: remove objectional material

Sample Sentences:
  1. The editors expurgated hateful references to the government in the author's book before publishing it.
  2. Expurgated version of the old testament.
  3. They felt it was necessary to expurgate his letters before publishing them.
American Library Association
Maniac Mansion

     In the above articles, the word expurgate is used in similar ways, both referring to remove something that is not helpful, or objectional material. In the Nintendo expurgation of Maniac Mansion, some of the language in the game was changed. For example, instead of saying that someone would be "pissed", the expurgation of that would be that someone is going to be "mad." They tried to make the game better by deleting all of the ugly language, or expurgating the language that was already in place.

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