Tuesday, February 12, 2013



Definition: a part, portion, or share

Sample Sentences:
  1. Let's split that turkey; you shall have a moiety and I too shall have half.
  2. The chemical moiety involved in the transfer must be specified.
  3. Cautious use in people with allergy to sulpha drugs is advised as celecoxib has a sulphonamide moiety.

     The word moiety refers to a share of something. In the cell article, the word moiety is used in that article to describe the different parts of a cell and how each part of a cell has a moiety. They describe a cell in a way that reminds me of how we split a pie. Each person (cell) should get the same amount or moiety of something, but when something is not equal to every person or part of the cell, then there is something wrong with that moiety. 

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