Monday, February 11, 2013



Defintion: to show to be false

Sample Senten
  1. Belies the complexity of what is going on inside.ces:
  2. In many cases their volume was pushed so hard as to completely belie dixon's statement about good blend.
  3. Belies the fact that the canal itself is almost 200 years old.

San Francisco Chronicle
Idaho Press-Tribune

     In these articles, the word belie is used to describe how something can be made false. In the San Francisco Chronicle article, they starts off by telling you what people often consider to be true. Then they state how what they thought was true is actually false. Barry Bonds, a former Giants player is what they refer to in the article. They say that he did not take steroids during his career, but they are proven wrong when the test results show otherwise. Another example of this would be with Lance Armstrong. Know one believed that he took steroids during his career, but results show that he had been on drugs for most, if not all of his career.

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