Tuesday, February 12, 2013



Definition: something that serves as a pattern or model

Sample Sentences:
  1. The views of the scholars at the leipzig conference simply do not conform to the dominant paradigm.
  2. In order to more fully appreciate your life, you need to change your paradigm, to start looking at everything around you in a different light.
  3. It gives us a paradigm to explain the mental state of a group of individuals.


  The article on the O'Reilly Media source says in the speech that he has said a speech multiple times, but he edits and remakes the speech using the original. I think the term paradigm refers to a reference or way that something should be looked at. When you make a plan for school, you might look at an example plan to make sure that you have all the included steps needed. When you look at the example, you are using that example as a paradigm.
Web Templates above



Definition: servile; fawning; subservient

Sample Sentences:

  1. Obsequious service is expected, one generally leaves a tip.
  2. The obsequious salesman begged me to buy the car he was selling.
  3. I'll only answer if you are more obsequious in your question.

     One of the above articles is talking about the gun debate. They say different people will have different opinions about things, such as the gun debate. They also want to persuade the readers to think a certain way, meaning that they are being servile. When they talk about their own opinion, they are trying to persuade you to think a certain way.



Definition: belief that existence or values are meaningless

Sample Sentences:
  1. From the point of view of nihilism, any behavior is acceptable since no rules of ethics exist.
  2. Whilst looking for something to believe in, I discovered nihilism and the fact that I wasn't good enough for it.
  3. There is great cruelty and no lack of nihilism in Death Sentence.

     Nihilism is the belief that values are meaningless and useless. I have heard of nihilism mostly in military use. When you hear of soldiers from all around the world going into villages and killing and raping women and children, thats when the term nihilism should be used. Many people who have nihilistic views will not believe in God, or anything else that other people would. I do not agree with nihilistic views in any way, shape of fashion. I believe that if everyone had nihilistic views, nothing would ever progress or improve, just live life with no cares about yourself or anybody else. 



Definition: a part, portion, or share

Sample Sentences:
  1. Let's split that turkey; you shall have a moiety and I too shall have half.
  2. The chemical moiety involved in the transfer must be specified.
  3. Cautious use in people with allergy to sulpha drugs is advised as celecoxib has a sulphonamide moiety.

     The word moiety refers to a share of something. In the cell article, the word moiety is used in that article to describe the different parts of a cell and how each part of a cell has a moiety. They describe a cell in a way that reminds me of how we split a pie. Each person (cell) should get the same amount or moiety of something, but when something is not equal to every person or part of the cell, then there is something wrong with that moiety. 

Monday, February 11, 2013



Definition: list of terms used in a particular profession

Sample Sentences:
  1. Lexicon of a language consists of many kinds of signs other than simply nouns.
  2. Representing the environments for phonological processes in an accent-independent lexicon for synthesis of english.
  3. After all, our children have language problems and cannot be expected to acquire a huge lexicon.
Seeking Alpha
Financial Times Lexicon

     The word lexicon brings many different things to my mind. One of the things that I think of when I hear the word lexicon is a dictionary. Dictionary's have abundant amounts of words in them. When the articles used the word lexicon, they were talking about how different people use different things. In my sentence, I said "After all, our children have language problems and cannot be expected to acquire a huge lexicon," this means that we cannot expect children to grasp a huge language/word dictionary if they already have language problems.



Definition: unquestionable

Sample Sentences:
  1. Accidents there is now incontrovertible evidence that men in fast cars, particularly young men, cause a disproportionate number of road traffic accidents.
  2. Support school travel plans evidence for the need of 20mph limits ( or lower ) in residential areas seems incontrovertible.
  3. The health risks posed by homelessness are also incontrovertible.

American Thinkers
New York Times


     The word incontrovertible means unquestionable, which means without a doubt. The sentences I used are talking about how somethings cannot be ignored, or denied. When someone is talking about how better prenatal care would create less birth defects, the facts are unquestionable. If we had better prenatal care for more individuals, there would be less children born with birth defects, which is an unquestionable statement.



Definition: based on trust and confidence

Sample Sentences:
  1. Fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of his artist.
  2. Fiduciary agents are obliged to disclose any commission they receive.
  3. Congress has not done a very good job of exercising its fiduciary responsibilities to taxpayers.
     The above articles are both talking about how they wish that someone would be truthful with them, and not try to get past them with loose ends. One of my sample sentences said "Congress has not done a very good job of exercising its fiduciary responsibilities to taxpayers", which to me best represents the word fiduciary. The sentence means that congress does not let tax payers know fully where the tax payers money is going, which makes the tax payers have an untrustful attitude toward the government.



Definition: remove objectional material

Sample Sentences:
  1. The editors expurgated hateful references to the government in the author's book before publishing it.
  2. Expurgated version of the old testament.
  3. They felt it was necessary to expurgate his letters before publishing them.
American Library Association
Maniac Mansion

     In the above articles, the word expurgate is used in similar ways, both referring to remove something that is not helpful, or objectional material. In the Nintendo expurgation of Maniac Mansion, some of the language in the game was changed. For example, instead of saying that someone would be "pissed", the expurgation of that would be that someone is going to be "mad." They tried to make the game better by deleting all of the ugly language, or expurgating the language that was already in place.



Defintion: to show to be false

Sample Senten
  1. Belies the complexity of what is going on inside.ces:
  2. In many cases their volume was pushed so hard as to completely belie dixon's statement about good blend.
  3. Belies the fact that the canal itself is almost 200 years old.

San Francisco Chronicle
Idaho Press-Tribune

     In these articles, the word belie is used to describe how something can be made false. In the San Francisco Chronicle article, they starts off by telling you what people often consider to be true. Then they state how what they thought was true is actually false. Barry Bonds, a former Giants player is what they refer to in the article. They say that he did not take steroids during his career, but they are proven wrong when the test results show otherwise. Another example of this would be with Lance Armstrong. Know one believed that he took steroids during his career, but results show that he had been on drugs for most, if not all of his career.



Definition: unable/unwilling to grant forgiveness.

Sample Sentences:
  1. Abstemious personal habits, he was endlessly generous to his students.
  2. The athlete's abstemious diet did not give her enough energy.
  3. A Cathoic Nun lives a very abstemious lifestyle.

New York Times
Time Magazine


     In these two articles above, they use the word "abstemious" to describe how a person or arthor is speaking to a group of people. In the "King's Speech", the slogan "keep calm and carry on" is used. This is taking the word abstemious, and making it flip directions. Instead of the King using it in its defined mannor, the king uses it in a reverse way.